Rise, created by Barclays, is a global community of the world's top innovators working together to create the future of financial services. Rise operates FinTech hubs around the world, where cutting-edge startups and scale-ups can connect, create and scale their businesses, backed by our Barclays' global network of industry experts, mentors, investors and partners. Get unparalleled access to mentorship, insights, guidance and world-class facilities to accelerate your business, right in the heart of Shoreditch at Rise London. We have private offices in the building which can be rented by FinTech companies looking to make a home in the City of London. The private offices range from 6 desks to 18 desks. When you rent a private office with us, you will have access to all the previously mentioned amenities, as well as access to our meeting rooms, which can also be hired externally. The meeting rooms old between 4 and 14 people in a boardroom style layout. The office building also has event spaces which can be hired for corporate events, and can accommodate up to 200 people.