Party Venues & Event Spaces for hire in Oxford Circus Station

Hire the best Party Venues Oxford Circus Station has to offer.


Popular Party Venues Oxford Circus Station

Check our selections of popular Party Venues

Trying to find a great party venue in Oxford Circus? If so, then you can let Zipcube help with the process. We've got a fantastic selection of spaces all over the capital, so whatever event you're hoping to organise, we can connect you with a perfect venue.

Our dedicated party venues team are here to assist with the process and help you to finish your booking. Once your enquiry has been completed, you'll be free to focus on the party preparations.

Oxford Circus Party Venues: Tips and Ideas

  • Have your invites gone out with plenty of time to spare? You'll want to collect RSVPs, ideally, at least a month or two before the event itself.
  • It's not really a party, jamboree or soirée without some music to dance to. After you've arranged a venue and found out what their sound system is like, you can ask a friend or DJ to bring along their decks and play some records.
  • It might not always seem like a good idea, but a theme can be a great touch for your get-together. It gives people an idea of how to dress (although, it doesn't have to have a dress code...) and encourages everyone to get into the spirit of things.

Oxford Circus certainly has no shortage of venues to choose from when you're trying to arrange a celebration or special party. There are private dining rooms and Christmas party venues to take a look at as well, so whatever you've got coming up: we can help to make it happen.